Our recycle yarns produced using recycle chips are commercialized with the POLY-eco ® brand name.
- Contribution to the economy
- Reduces the amount of waste
- Invests in the future
- Natural resources is protected
- Energy saving
While supporting environmental protection through the use of environmentally friendly recycling processes; it also allows the reuse of waste. Thus, it is in the green product category, both economically and ecologically, in the Green Market.
The Recycled PET used does not lose its properties significantly and can be processed repeatedly to make products with high added value.
Recycle Polyester yarns cause less damage to the environment with less carbon emissions (carbon footprint). For this reason, it is important to use Recycle PET in the textile industry, especially in the production of polyester filament yarn.
These discarded PET bottles can be used as raw materials in textiles. For example, 1 kg of polyester yarn can be obtained by recycling 80 PET bottles. A jacket with 70 PET bottles, a backpack with 40 PET bottles, or a car seat fabric with 42 PET bottles can be made.
To use POLY-eco®;
- 40% reduction in CO₂ emissions,
- 50% improvement in energy saving,
- In this water saving, an improvement of 20% can be achieved.
POLY-eco®, one of our important milestones, is our window opening to human, production technology and nature in every step where the environment is important.
POLY-eco® has the Global Recycling Standard (GRS) Certificate since October 2018 and is fully traceable globally with every Transaction Certificate created.
Polyteks is aware that every step of production to protect the environment means protecting the human being, and it is aware that it works for it.

At the same time, projects are being carried out to give multifunctionality to POLY-eco ® yarns.