The observation of increases in the intensity of ultraviolet rays, which form part of UV rays coming to the earth, has raised the need for protective textiles in this area.
Roller curtains, upholstery fabrics, fabrics used in greenhouse and awning, tarpaulin, tent, etc. outdoor textile products are exposed to high rates of UV rays depending. As a result, photo oxidation occurs in textile products. Photo oxidation in the polymer breaks the bonds between the molecules, causing a decrease in viscosity and loss of strength, while color resistance is also reduced. In order to eliminate these disadvantages and protect the polymeric structure, the degree of permeability of the yarns, UV rays is reduced by adding UV absorbent material during fiber production, and the negative effects that the Rays will create are prevented.
Poly-UV Resist ® yarns are ecru and colored special yarns developed for garden furniture, awning, tarpaulin, tent, etc. By slowing down the decrease in strength and discolouration, it extends the lifetime of the yarn in outdoor environments.